Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Spekkoek - The Bacon Cake

In Dutch, thousand-layer cake is called Spekkoek, and it is translated as "Bacon Cake." The Dutch call it that because the layers look a bit like bacon (well, from really far away and with a vivid imagination).

We're posting this little bit of info because of a humorous conversation with had on Twitter with Audrey from @BostonFoodFinds about bacon. It just seems like people can go on forever talking about bacon. (Visit Audrey's great Boston Food Finds website!)

What do you think? Does thousand-layer cake look like bacon?

Bacon on FoodistaBacon

I don't know if this is good news or bad news, but spekkoek doesn't exactly taste like bacon, since, well, there's no bacon in it (funnily enough that doesn't stop pet food companies from calling things "bacon-flavored"). Still, it's delicious, moist, and would probably taste good with bacon (hmm, that gives me a great idea for a new euforia recipe).

So next time you're thinking about bacon, hopefully you'll think about spekkoek, the bacon cake. :)

Happy Wednesday!